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//: concurrency/CarBuilder.java
// A complex example of tasks working together.
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.*;
import static net.mindview.util.Print.*;
class Car {
private final int id;
private boolean
engine = false, driveTrain = false, wheels = false;
public Car(int idn) { id = idn; }
// Empty Car object:
public Car() { id = -1; }
public synchronized int getId() { return id; }
public synchronized void addEngine() { engine = true; }
public synchronized void addDriveTrain() {
driveTrain = true;
public synchronized void addWheels() { wheels = true; }
public synchronized String toString() {
return "Car " + id + " [" + " engine: " + engine
+ " driveTrain: " + driveTrain
+ " wheels: " + wheels + " ]";
class CarQueue extends LinkedBlockingQueue<Car> {}
class ChassisBuilder implements Runnable {
private CarQueue carQueue;
private int counter = 0;
public ChassisBuilder(CarQueue cq) { carQueue = cq; }
public void run() {
try {
while(!Thread.interrupted()) {
// Make chassis:
Car c = new Car(counter++);
print("ChassisBuilder created " + c);
// Insert into queue
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
print("Interrupted: ChassisBuilder");
print("ChassisBuilder off");
class Assembler implements Runnable {
private CarQueue chassisQueue, finishingQueue;
private Car car;
private CyclicBarrier barrier = new CyclicBarrier(4);
private RobotPool robotPool;
public Assembler(CarQueue cq, CarQueue fq, RobotPool rp){
chassisQueue = cq;
finishingQueue = fq;
robotPool = rp;
public Car car() { return car; }
public CyclicBarrier barrier() { return barrier; }
public void run() {
try {
while(!Thread.interrupted()) {
// Blocks until chassis is available:
car = chassisQueue.take();
// Hire robots to perform work:
robotPool.hire(EngineRobot.class, this);
robotPool.hire(DriveTrainRobot.class, this);
robotPool.hire(WheelRobot.class, this);
barrier.await(); // Until the robots finish
// Put car into finishingQueue for further work
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
print("Exiting Assembler via interrupt");
} catch(BrokenBarrierException e) {
// This one we want to know about
throw new RuntimeException(e);
print("Assembler off");
class Reporter implements Runnable {
private CarQueue carQueue;
public Reporter(CarQueue cq) { carQueue = cq; }
public void run() {
try {
while(!Thread.interrupted()) {
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
print("Exiting Reporter via interrupt");
print("Reporter off");
abstract class Robot implements Runnable {
private RobotPool pool;
public Robot(RobotPool p) { pool = p; }
protected Assembler assembler;
public Robot assignAssembler(Assembler assembler) {
this.assembler = assembler;
return this;
private boolean engage = false;
public synchronized void engage() {
engage = true;
// The part of run() that's different for each robot:
abstract protected void performService();
public void run() {
try {
powerDown(); // Wait until needed
while(!Thread.interrupted()) {
assembler.barrier().await(); // Synchronize
// We're done with that job...
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
print("Exiting " + this + " via interrupt");
} catch(BrokenBarrierException e) {
// This one we want to know about
throw new RuntimeException(e);
print(this + " off");
private synchronized void
powerDown() throws InterruptedException {
engage = false;
assembler = null; // Disconnect from the Assembler
// Put ourselves back in the available pool:
while(engage == false) // Power down
public String toString() { return getClass().getName(); }
class EngineRobot extends Robot {
public EngineRobot(RobotPool pool) { super(pool); }
protected void performService() {
print(this + " installing engine");
class DriveTrainRobot extends Robot {
public DriveTrainRobot(RobotPool pool) { super(pool); }
protected void performService() {
print(this + " installing DriveTrain");
class WheelRobot extends Robot {
public WheelRobot(RobotPool pool) { super(pool); }
protected void performService() {
print(this + " installing Wheels");
class RobotPool {
// Quietly prevents identical entries:
private Set<Robot> pool = new HashSet<Robot>();
public synchronized void add(Robot r) {
public synchronized void
hire(Class<? extends Robot> robotType, Assembler d)
throws InterruptedException {
for(Robot r : pool)
if(r.getClass().equals(robotType)) {
r.engage(); // Power it up to do the task
wait(); // None available
hire(robotType, d); // Try again, recursively
public synchronized void release(Robot r) { add(r); }
public class CarBuilder {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
CarQueue chassisQueue = new CarQueue(),
finishingQueue = new CarQueue();
ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
RobotPool robotPool = new RobotPool();
exec.execute(new EngineRobot(robotPool));
exec.execute(new DriveTrainRobot(robotPool));
exec.execute(new WheelRobot(robotPool));
exec.execute(new Assembler(
chassisQueue, finishingQueue, robotPool));
exec.execute(new Reporter(finishingQueue));
// Start everything running by producing chassis:
exec.execute(new ChassisBuilder(chassisQueue));
} /* (Execute to see output) *///:~