
91 lines
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2015-05-27 23:22:27 -07:00
#! Py -3
from pathlib import Path
from filecmp import cmpfiles
import sys, os
from sortedcontainers import SortedSet
from betools import *
from pprint import *
gitpath = Path(r"C:\Users\Bruce\Documents\GitHub\TIJ-Directors-Cut")
examplePath = Path(r"C:\Users\Bruce\Dropbox\__TIJ4-ebook\ExtractedExamples")
def ignore(lst):
result = [f for f in lst if not str(f).startswith(".git")]
return result
book = SortedSet([f for f in Path(".").rglob("*")])
git = SortedSet([f for f in Path(".").rglob("*")])
git = ignore(git)
def copy_to_git():
"Write batch file to copy missing files to git directory"
exclude = ["Book.txt", "Git.txt", "togit.bat"]
with Path("togit.bat").open("w") as togit:
tocopy = [e for e in book if e not in git]
for e in exclude:
tocopy = [t for t in tocopy if not str(t).endswith(e)]
for tc in tocopy:
togit.write("copy " + str(tc) + " " + str(gitpath / tc) + "\n")
if Path("togit.bat").stat().st_size == 0:
def retain(lst):
keep = ["README.md", "go.bat", "clean.bat"]
result = [f for f in lst if not str(f).startswith("tools")]
result = [f for f in result if not f.is_dir()]
for k in keep:
result = [f for f in result if not str(f).endswith(k)]
return result
def clean():
"Write batch file to remove unused files from git directory"
with Path("clean.bat").open("w") as clean:
toclean = retain([g for g in git if g not in book])
for tc in toclean:
clean.write("del " + str(tc) + "\n")
if Path("clean.bat").stat().st_size == 0:
# def print_diff_files(dcmp, outfile):
# for name in dcmp.diff_files:
# outfile.write("diff_file %s found in %s and %s\n" % (name, dcmp.left,
# dcmp.right))
# for sub_dcmp in dcmp.subdirs.values():
# print_diff_files(sub_dcmp, outfile)
def update_to_git():
"Write batch file to copy out-of-date files to git directory"
common = [str(b) for b in book if not b.is_dir()]
match, mismatch, errors = cmpfiles(str(examplePath), str(gitpath), common, False)
with Path("update.bat").open('w') as outfile:
2015-05-27 23:36:42 -07:00
# outfile.write("\n" + ruler("match"))
# outfile.write(pformat(match))
# outfile.write("\n" + ruler("mismatch"))
# outfile.write(pformat(mismatch))
# outfile.write("\n" + ruler("errors"))
# outfile.write(pformat(errors))
for f in mismatch:
outfile.write("copy {} {}\{}\n".format(f, str(gitpath), f))
2015-05-27 23:22:27 -07:00
for f in mismatch:
if not (f.endswith(".java") or
f.endswith(".py") or
f.endswith(".cpp") or
if __name__ == '__main__':