Tooling improvements

This commit is contained in:
Bruce Eckel 2015-05-30 18:22:51 -07:00
parent edfd973801
commit 11d5437864
3 changed files with 82 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ class CodeFileOptions(object):
self.cmdargs = line.split("{Args:")[1].strip()
self.cmdargs = self.cmdargs.rsplit("}", 1)[0]
self.runbyhand = "{RunByHand}" in self.codeFile.code
self.validatebyhand = "{ValidateByHand}" in self.codeFile.code
self.exclude = None
if "{CompileTimeError}" in self.codeFile.code:
@ -208,6 +208,9 @@ class CodeFileOptions(object):
def arguments(self):
if self.cmdargs:
if '"' in self.cmdargs:
return """arguments='%s' """ % self.cmdargs
return """arguments="%s" """ % self.cmdargs
return ""
@ -306,7 +309,7 @@ class Chapter:
def makeBuildFile(self):
buildFile = startBuild % (, " ".join(self.excludes))
for cf in self.code_files:
if any([ + ".java" in f for f in self.excludes]) or cf.options.runbyhand:
if any([ + ".java" in f for f in self.excludes]) or cf.options.validatebyhand:
buildFile += cf.run_command()
buildFile += endBuild
@ -349,6 +352,7 @@ def extractAndCreateBuildFiles():
with open("run.bat", 'w') as run:
run.write(r"python ..\ -p" + "\n")
run.write(r"powershell .\runall.ps1" + "\n")
run.write(r"python ..\ -e" + "\n")
def generateAntClean():

View File

@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ import difflib
from collections import defaultdict
from betools import CmdLine, visitDir, ruler, head
examplePath = Path(r"C:\Users\Bruce\Dropbox\__TIJ4-ebook\ExtractedExamples")
maindef = re.compile("public\s+static\s+void\s+main")
@ -35,7 +37,7 @@ class Flags:
self.flaglines = [line for line in self.flaglines if not [d for d in Flags.discard if d in line]]
self.flags = dict()
for flag in self.flaglines:
flag = flag[flag.index("{") + 1 : flag.index("}")].strip()
flag = flag[flag.index("{") + 1 : flag.rfind("}")].strip()
if ":" in flag:
fl, arg = flag.split(":")
fl = fl.strip()
@ -60,7 +62,7 @@ class Flags:
return str(self.flags.values())
def jvm_args(self):
return self.flags["JVMArgs"] if "JVMArgs" in self.flags else ""
return self.flags["JVMArgs"] + " " if "JVMArgs" in self.flags else ""
def cmd_args(self):
return " " + self.flags["Args"] if "Args" in self.flags else ""
@ -82,6 +84,9 @@ class RunnableFile:
self._package = line.split("package ")[1].strip()[:-1]
if self._package.replace('.', '/') not in self.lines[0]:
self._package = ""
self.main =
if "main" in self.flags:
self.main = self.flags.flags["main"]
def __contains__(self, elt):
return elt in self.flags
@ -97,7 +102,7 @@ class RunnableFile:
return self.path.parent
def javaArguments(self):
return self.flags.jvm_args() + self.package() + + self.flags.cmd_args()
return self.flags.jvm_args() + self.package() + self.main + self.flags.cmd_args()
def runCommand(self):
return "java " + self.javaArguments()
@ -106,7 +111,7 @@ class RunnableFile:
class RunFiles:
# RunFirst is temporary?
not_runnable = ["RunByHand", "TimeOutDuringTesting", "CompileTimeError", 'TimeOut', 'RunFirst']
not_runnable = ["ValidateByHand", "TimeOutDuringTesting", "CompileTimeError", 'TimeOut', 'RunFirst']
skip_dirs = ["gui", "swt"]
base = Path(".")
@ -152,22 +157,28 @@ def createPowershellScript():
Create Powershell Script to run all programs and capture the output
assert Path.cwd().stem is "ExtractedExamples"
runFiles = RunFiles()
startDir = os.getcwd()
with open("runall.ps1", 'w') as ps:
ps.write('''Start-Process -FilePath "ant" -ArgumentList "build" -NoNewWindow -Wait \n\n''')
for rf in runFiles:
with visitDir(rf.rundir()):
argquote = '"'
if '"' in rf.javaArguments() or '$' in rf.javaArguments():
argquote = "'"
pstext = """\
-FilePath "java.exe"
-ArgumentList "{}"
-ArgumentList {}{}{}
-RedirectStandardOutput {}-output.txt
-RedirectStandardError {}-erroroutput.txt
""".format(argquote, rf.javaArguments(), argquote,,
pstext = textwrap.dedent(pstext).replace('\n', ' ')
if "ThrowsException" in rf:
pstext += " -Wait\n"
pstext += "Add-Content {}-erroroutput.txt '---[ Exception is Expected ]---'".format(
ps.write("cd {}\n".format(os.getcwd()))
ps.write(pstext + "\n")
ps.write('Write-Host [{}] {}\n'.format(rf.relative,
@ -343,16 +354,34 @@ def fillInUnexcludedOutput():
def findExceptionsFromRun():
Find all the exceptions produced by runall.ps1
Put the exceptions produced by runall.ps1 into errors.txt
errors = [r for r in [Result.create(jfp) for jfp in RunFiles.base.rglob("*.java")]
if r and r.errFilePath.stat().st_size]
assert len(errors), "Must run runall.ps1 first"
with (examplePath / "errors.txt").open('w') as errors_txt:
for e in errors:
with as errfile:
head(e.errFilePath, "#")
errors_txt.write("\n" + ruler(e.errFilePath, width=80))
def showProblemErrors():
Show unexpected errors inside errors.txt
with (examplePath / "errors.txt").open() as errors_txt:
for err in"<-:->"):
if "_[ logging\\" in err:
if "LoggingException" in err:
if "---[ Exception is Expected ]---" in err:

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#! Py -3
from pathlib import Path
from filecmp import cmpfiles
from filecmp import dircmp
import sys, os
from sortedcontainers import SortedSet
from betools import *
@ -43,17 +44,41 @@ def retain(lst):
result = [f for f in result if not str(f).endswith(k)]
return result
def print_diff_files(dcmp):
for name in dcmp.diff_files:
print("diff_file %s found in %s and %s" % (name, dcmp.left, dcmp.right))
for sub_dcmp in dcmp.subdirs.values():
def clean():
"Write batch file to remove unused files from git directory"
with Path("clean.bat").open("w") as clean:
toclean = retain([g for g in git if g not in book])
for tc in toclean:
clean.write("del " + str(tc) + "\n")
if Path("clean.bat").stat().st_size == 0:
"Show differences with git directory"
os.system("diff -q -r . " + str(gitpath))
# common = [str(b) for b in book if not b.is_dir()]
# dcmp = dircmp(str(examplePath), str(gitpath))
# print_diff_files(dcmp)
# print(dcmp.right_only)
# with Path("clean.bat").open('w') as outfile:
# outfile.write("\n" + ruler("match"))
# outfile.write(pformat(match))
# outfile.write("\n" + ruler("mismatch"))
# outfile.write(pformat(mismatch))
# outfile.write("\n" + ruler("errors"))
# outfile.write(pformat(errors))
# head("files to update")
# for f in mismatch:
# outfile.write("copy {} {}\{}\n".format(f, str(gitpath), f))
# print(f)
# os.chdir(str(gitpath))
# with Path("clean.bat").open("w") as clean:
# toclean = retain([g for g in git if g not in book])
# for tc in toclean:
# clean.write("del " + str(tc) + "\n")
# if Path("clean.bat").stat().st_size == 0:
# Path("clean.bat").unlink()
def update_to_git():