// collections/BasicRecord.java // (c)2021 MindView LLC: see Copyright.txt // We make no guarantees that this code is fit for any purpose. // Visit http://OnJava8.com for more book information. // {NewFeature} Since JDK 16 import java.util.*; record Employee(String name, int id) {} public class BasicRecord { public static void main(String[] args) { var bob = new Employee("Bob Dobbs", 11); var dot = new Employee("Dorothy Gale", 9); // bob.id = 12; // Error: // id has private access in Employee System.out.println(bob.name()); // Accessor System.out.println(bob.id()); // Accessor System.out.println(bob); // toString() // Employee works as the key in a Map: var map = Map.of(bob, "A", dot, "B"); System.out.println(map); } } /* Output: Bob Dobbs 11 Employee[name=Bob Dobbs, id=11] {Employee[name=Dorothy Gale, id=9]=B, Employee[name=Bob Dobbs, id=11]=A} */