// patterns/abstractfactory/GameEnvironment.java // (c)2021 MindView LLC: see Copyright.txt // We make no guarantees that this code is fit for any purpose. // Visit http://OnJava8.com for more book information. // An example of the Abstract Factory pattern. // {java patterns.abstractfactory.GameEnvironment} package patterns.abstractfactory; import java.util.function.*; interface Obstacle { void action(); } interface Player { void interactWith(Obstacle o); } class Kitty implements Player { @Override public void interactWith(Obstacle ob) { System.out.print("Kitty has encountered a "); ob.action(); } } class Fighter implements Player { @Override public void interactWith(Obstacle ob) { System.out.print("Fighter now battles a "); ob.action(); } } class Puzzle implements Obstacle { @Override public void action() { System.out.println("Puzzle"); } } class Weapon implements Obstacle { @Override public void action() { System.out.println("Weapon"); } } // The Abstract Factory: class GameElementFactory { Supplier player; Supplier obstacle; } // Concrete factories: class KittiesAndPuzzles extends GameElementFactory { KittiesAndPuzzles() { player = Kitty::new; obstacle = Puzzle::new; } } class Melee extends GameElementFactory { Melee() { player = Fighter::new; obstacle = Weapon::new; } } public class GameEnvironment { private Player p; private Obstacle ob; public GameEnvironment(GameElementFactory factory) { p = factory.player.get(); ob = factory.obstacle.get(); } public void play() { p.interactWith(ob); } public static void main(String[] args) { GameElementFactory kp = new KittiesAndPuzzles(), ml = new Melee(); GameEnvironment g1 = new GameEnvironment(kp), g2 = new GameEnvironment(ml); g1.play(); g2.play(); } } /* Output: Kitty has encountered a Puzzle Fighter now battles a Weapon */