![](https://travis-ci.org/BruceEckel/OnJava8-Examples.svg?branch=master) To compile and run these programs, you only need JDK 8 installed. Invoking `gradlew` will automatically download and install Gradle. Gradle will also install all additional libraries necessary to compile and run the Java examples in the book. To compile everything, the command is: `gradlew build` To run everything (including compiling if necessary), the command is: `gradlew run` To compile only a single chapter (including dependencies), use for example: `gradlew :strings:build` To run only a single chapter, say: `gradlew :strings:run` Gradle can also be used to run a single program. Here, we run the **ReplacingStringTokenizer.java** program in the **strings** chapter subdirectory: `gradlew :strings:ReplacingStringTokenizer` However, if the file name is unique throughout the book (the majority are), you can just give the program name, like this: `gradlew ReplacingStringTokenizer` Note that all these commands are run from the base directory where the example code is installed, and where you find the `gradlew` script. You can learn about other options by just typing `gradlew` with no arguments.