// generics/TupleTest.java // (c)2016 MindView LLC: see Copyright.txt // We make no guarantees that this code is fit for any purpose. // Visit http://mindviewinc.com/Books/OnJava/ for more book information. import onjava.*; class Amphibian {} class Vehicle {} public class TupleTest { static Tuple2<String, Integer> f() { // Autoboxing converts the int to Integer: return new Tuple2<>("hi", 47); } static Tuple3<Amphibian, String, Integer> g() { return new Tuple3<>(new Amphibian(), "hi", 47); } static Tuple4<Vehicle, Amphibian, String, Integer> h() { return new Tuple4<>( new Vehicle(), new Amphibian(), "hi", 47); } static Tuple5<Vehicle, Amphibian, String, Integer, Double> k(){ return new Tuple5<>( new Vehicle(), new Amphibian(), "hi", 47, 11.1); } public static void main(String[] args) { Tuple2<String, Integer> ttsi = f(); System.out.println(ttsi); // ttsi._1 = "there"; // Compile error: final System.out.println(g()); System.out.println(h()); System.out.println(k()); } } /* Output: (hi, 47) (Amphibian@139a55, hi, 47) (Vehicle@1db9742, Amphibian@106d69c, hi, 47) (Vehicle@52e922, Amphibian@25154f, hi, 47, 11.1) */