// innerclasses/Parcel10.java
// (c)2016 MindView LLC: see Copyright.txt
// We make no guarantees that this code is fit for any purpose.
// Visit http://mindviewinc.com/Books/OnJava/ for more book information.
// Using "instance initialization" to perform
// construction on an anonymous inner class.

public class Parcel10 {
  public Destination
  destination(final String dest, final float price) {
    return new Destination() {
      private int cost;
      // Instance initialization for each object:
        cost = Math.round(price);
        if(cost > 100)
          System.out.println("Over budget!");
      private String label = dest;
      public String readLabel() { return label; }
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Parcel10 p = new Parcel10();
    Destination d = p.destination("Tasmania", 101.395F);
/* Output:
Over budget!