// patterns/chain/ChainOfResponsibility.java // (c)2021 MindView LLC: see Copyright.txt // We make no guarantees that this code is fit for any purpose. // Visit http://OnJava8.com for more book information. // Using the Functional interface // {java patterns.chain.ChainOfResponsibility} package patterns.chain; import java.util.*; import java.util.function.*; class Result { boolean success; List line; Result(List data) { success = true; line = data; } Result() { success = false; line = Collections.emptyList(); } } class Fail extends Result {} interface Algorithm { Result algorithm(List line); } class FindMinima { public static Result leastSquares(List line) { System.out.println("LeastSquares.algorithm"); boolean weSucceed = false; if(weSucceed) // Actual test/calculation here return new Result(Arrays.asList(1.1, 2.2)); else // Try the next one in the chain: return new Fail(); } public static Result perturbation(List line) { System.out.println("Perturbation.algorithm"); boolean weSucceed = false; if(weSucceed) // Actual test/calculation here return new Result(Arrays.asList(3.3, 4.4)); else return new Fail(); } public static Result bisection(List line) { System.out.println("Bisection.algorithm"); boolean weSucceed = true; if(weSucceed) // Actual test/calculation here return new Result(Arrays.asList(5.5, 6.6)); else return new Fail(); } static List, Result>> algorithms = Arrays.asList( FindMinima::leastSquares, FindMinima::perturbation, FindMinima::bisection ); public static Result minima(List line) { for(Function, Result> alg : algorithms) { Result result = alg.apply(line); if(result.success) return result; } return new Fail(); } } public class ChainOfResponsibility { public static void main(String[] args) { FindMinima solver = new FindMinima(); List line = Arrays.asList( 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0, -1.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 4.0); Result result = solver.minima(line); if(result.success) System.out.println(result.line); else System.out.println("No algorithm found"); } } /* Output: LeastSquares.algorithm Perturbation.algorithm Bisection.algorithm [5.5, 6.6] */