// annotations/AtUnitExample2.java // (c)2016 MindView LLC: see Copyright.txt // We make no guarantees that this code is fit for any purpose. // Visit http://mindviewinc.com/Books/OnJava/ for more book information. // Assertions and exceptions can be used in @Tests // {main: onjava.atunit.AtUnit} // {Args: build/classes/main/annotations/AtUnitExample2.class} package annotations; import java.io.*; import onjava.atunit.*; import onjava.*; public class AtUnitExample2 { public String methodOne() { return "This is methodOne"; } public int methodTwo() { System.out.println("This is methodTwo"); return 2; } @Test void assertExample() { assert methodOne().equals("This is methodOne"); } @Test void assertFailureExample() { assert 1 == 2: "What a surprise!"; } @Test void exceptionExample() throws IOException { new FileInputStream("nofile.txt"); // Throws } @Test boolean assertAndReturn() { // Assertion with message: assert methodTwo() == 2: "methodTwo must equal 2"; return methodOne().equals("This is methodOne"); } } /* Output: annotations.AtUnitExample2 . assertFailureExample java.lang.AssertionError: What a surprise! (failed) . assertExample . exceptionExample java.io.FileNotFoundException: nofile.txt (The system cannot find the file specified) (failed) . assertAndReturn This is methodTwo (4 tests) >>> 2 FAILURES <<< annotations.AtUnitExample2: assertFailureExample annotations.AtUnitExample2: exceptionExample */