// validating/GuavaPreconditions.java // (c)2020 MindView LLC: see Copyright.txt // We make no guarantees that this code is fit for any purpose. // Visit http://OnJava8.com for more book information. // Demonstrating Guava Preconditions import java.util.function.*; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.*; public class GuavaPreconditions { static void test(Consumer c, String s) { try { System.out.println(s); c.accept(s); System.out.println("Success"); } catch(Exception e) { String type = e.getClass().getSimpleName(); String msg = e.getMessage(); System.out.println(type + (msg == null ? "" : ": " + msg)); } } public static void main(String[] args) { test(s -> s = checkNotNull(s), "X"); test(s -> s = checkNotNull(s), null); test(s -> s = checkNotNull(s, "s was null"), null); test(s -> s = checkNotNull( s, "s was null, %s %s", "arg2", "arg3"), null); test(s -> checkArgument(s == "Fozzie"), "Fozzie"); test(s -> checkArgument(s == "Fozzie"), "X"); test(s -> checkArgument(s == "Fozzie"), null); test(s -> checkArgument( s == "Fozzie", "Bear Left!"), null); test(s -> checkArgument( s == "Fozzie", "Bear Left! %s Right!", "Frog"), null); test(s -> checkState(s.length() > 6), "Mortimer"); test(s -> checkState(s.length() > 6), "Mort"); test(s -> checkState(s.length() > 6), null); test(s -> checkElementIndex(6, s.length()), "Robert"); test(s -> checkElementIndex(6, s.length()), "Bob"); test(s -> checkElementIndex(6, s.length()), null); test(s -> checkPositionIndex(6, s.length()), "Robert"); test(s -> checkPositionIndex(6, s.length()), "Bob"); test(s -> checkPositionIndex(6, s.length()), null); test(s -> checkPositionIndexes( 0, 6, s.length()), "Hieronymus"); test(s -> checkPositionIndexes( 0, 10, s.length()), "Hieronymus"); test(s -> checkPositionIndexes( 0, 11, s.length()), "Hieronymus"); test(s -> checkPositionIndexes( -1, 6, s.length()), "Hieronymus"); test(s -> checkPositionIndexes( 7, 6, s.length()), "Hieronymus"); test(s -> checkPositionIndexes( 0, 6, s.length()), null); } } /* Output: X Success null NullPointerException null NullPointerException: s was null null NullPointerException: s was null, arg2 arg3 Fozzie Success X IllegalArgumentException null IllegalArgumentException null IllegalArgumentException: Bear Left! null IllegalArgumentException: Bear Left! Frog Right! Mortimer Success Mort IllegalStateException null NullPointerException Robert IndexOutOfBoundsException: index (6) must be less than size (6) Bob IndexOutOfBoundsException: index (6) must be less than size (3) null NullPointerException Robert Success Bob IndexOutOfBoundsException: index (6) must not be greater than size (3) null NullPointerException Hieronymus Success Hieronymus Success Hieronymus IndexOutOfBoundsException: end index (11) must not be greater than size (10) Hieronymus IndexOutOfBoundsException: start index (-1) must not be negative Hieronymus IndexOutOfBoundsException: end index (6) must not be less than start index (7) null NullPointerException */