// ui/ShowAddListeners.java // ©2016 MindView LLC: see Copyright.txt // Display the "addXXXListener" methods of any Swing class. import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.util.regex.*; import static onjava.SwingConsole.*; public class ShowAddListeners extends JFrame { private JTextField name = new JTextField(25); private JTextArea results = new JTextArea(40, 65); private static Pattern addListener = Pattern.compile("(add\\w+?Listener\\(.*?\\))"); private static Pattern qualifier = Pattern.compile("\\w+\\."); class NameL implements ActionListener { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String nm = name.getText().trim(); if(nm.length() == 0) { results.setText("No match"); return; } Class kind; try { kind = Class.forName("javax.swing." + nm); } catch(ClassNotFoundException ex) { results.setText("No match"); return; } Method[] methods = kind.getMethods(); results.setText(""); for(Method m : methods) { Matcher matcher = addListener.matcher(m.toString()); if(matcher.find()) results.append(qualifier.matcher( matcher.group(1)).replaceAll("") + "\n"); } } } public ShowAddListeners() { NameL nameListener = new NameL(); name.addActionListener(nameListener); JPanel top = new JPanel(); top.add(new JLabel("Swing class name (press Enter):")); top.add(name); add(BorderLayout.NORTH, top); add(new JScrollPane(results)); // Initial data and test: name.setText("JTextArea"); nameListener.actionPerformed( new ActionEvent("", 0, "")); } public static void main(String[] args) { run(new ShowAddListeners(), 500, 400); } }