#! Py -3 "Tools for updating Github repository" from pathlib import Path from filecmp import cmpfiles from filecmp import dircmp import sys, os from sortedcontainers import SortedSet from betools import * from pprint import * gitpath = Path(r"C:\Users\Bruce\Documents\GitHub\On-Java") assert gitpath.is_dir() examplePath = Path(r"C:\Users\Bruce\Dropbox\___OnJava\ExtractedExamples") assert examplePath.is_dir() def ignore(lst): result = [f for f in lst if not str(f).startswith(".git")] return result os.chdir(str(examplePath)) book = SortedSet([f for f in Path(".").rglob("*")]) os.chdir(str(gitpath)) git = SortedSet([f for f in Path(".").rglob("*")]) git = ignore(git) @CmdLine('g') def copy_to_git(): "Write togit.bat to copy missing files to git directory" exclude = ["Book.txt", "Git.txt", "togit.bat"] os.chdir(str(examplePath)) if list(examplePath.rglob("*.class")): print("Run Ant clean First") sys.exit(1) with Path("togit.bat").open("w") as togit: tocopy = [e for e in book if e not in git] for e in exclude: tocopy = [t for t in tocopy if not str(t).endswith(e)] for tc in tocopy: togit.write("copy " + str(tc) + " " + str(gitpath / tc) + "\n") if Path("togit.bat").stat().st_size == 0: Path("togit.bat").unlink() def retain(lst): keep = ["README.md", "go.bat", "clean.bat"] result = [f for f in lst if not str(f).startswith("tools")] result = [f for f in result if not f.is_dir()] for k in keep: result = [f for f in result if not str(f).endswith(k)] return result def print_diff_files(dcmp): for name in dcmp.diff_files: print("diff_file %s found in %s and %s" % (name, dcmp.left, dcmp.right)) for sub_dcmp in dcmp.subdirs.values(): print_diff_files(sub_dcmp) @CmdLine('d') def diff(): "Show differences with git directory" os.chdir(str(examplePath)) os.system("diff -q -r . " + str(gitpath)) @CmdLine('u') def update_to_git(): "Write update.bat to copy out-of-date files to git directory" os.chdir(str(examplePath)) os.system("diff -q -r . " + str(gitpath) + " > update.bat") lines = [line[len("Files "):-(len("differ") + 1)] for line in open("update.bat").readlines() if line.startswith("Files ")] args = [line.split(" and ") for line in lines] args = [(str(Path(arg[0].strip())), str(Path(arg[1].strip()))) for arg in args] for arg in args: if not arg[0].endswith(".java"): continue if "Copyright.txt" not in open(arg[0]).readlines()[1]: print("Missing copyright in {} \nrun g -c".format(arg[0])) sys.exit(-1) lines = ["copy {} {}".format(arg[0], arg[1]) for arg in args] with open("update.bat", 'w') as update: update.write("\n".join(lines)) def comment_header(lines): if lines[0][0] == "#": cmt = "#" else: cmt = "//" result = [] for line in lines: if line.startswith(cmt): result.append(line) else: return result @CmdLine('t') def tops_file(): "Create file tops.txt with tops of all book code files" os.chdir(str(examplePath)) candidates = list(Path(".").rglob("*.java")) + list(Path(".").rglob("*.py")) + list(Path(".").rglob("*.cpp")) with (examplePath/"tops.txt").open('w') as tops: for c in candidates: lines = c.open().readlines() if lines[0].startswith("//:") or lines[0].startswith("#:"): tops.write(ruler(c)) for line in lines[:8]: tops.write(line) # tops.write(ruler()) # for line in comment_header(lines): # tops.write(line) tops.write(ruler()) for line in insert_copyright(lines)[:9]: tops.write(line) tops.write("\n") def insert_copyright(lines): if "Copyright.txt" in lines[1]: return lines if lines[0][0] == "#": cmt = "#" else: cmt = "//" return [lines[0], cmt + " ©2015 MindView LLC: see Copyright.txt\n"] + lines[1:] @CmdLine('c') def add_copyright(): "Add copyright line to all book code files" os.chdir(str(examplePath)) candidates = list(Path(".").rglob("*.java")) + list(Path(".").rglob("*.py")) + list(Path(".").rglob("*.cpp")) for c in candidates: with c.open() as code: lines = code.readlines() if lines[0].startswith("//:") or lines[0].startswith("#:"): if "Copyright.txt" not in lines[1]: copyrighted = insert_copyright(lines) with c.open('w') as crighted: crighted.writelines(copyrighted) if __name__ == '__main__': CmdLine.run()