import org.gradle.internal.jvm.Jvm import boolean debug = false class Tags { Boolean hasMainMethod = false Boolean compileTimeError = false Boolean throwsException = false Boolean errorOutputExpected = false Boolean validateByHand = false Boolean ignoreOutput = false // This tag isn't used in the build... String fileRoot String mainClass String javaCmd = null List args = [] List jVMArgs = [] String javap = null String runFirst = null String outputLine = null private String block def Tags(File file) { block = file.text hasMainMethod = block.contains('main(String[] args)') def firstLine = block.substring(0, block.indexOf("\n")) fileRoot = firstLine.split("/")[-1] - ".java" mainClass = fileRoot javaCmd = extract('java') if(javaCmd) { def pieces = javaCmd.split() mainClass = pieces[0] if(pieces.size() > 1) for(p in pieces[1..-1]) if(p.startsWith("-")) jVMArgs << p else args << p } compileTimeError = hasTag('CompileTimeError') throwsException = hasTag('ThrowsException') errorOutputExpected = hasTag('ErrorOutputExpected') validateByHand = hasTag('ValidateByHand') ignoreOutput = hasTag('IgnoreOutput') javap = extract('javap') // Includes only arguments to command runFirst = extract('RunFirst:') outputLine = extractOutputLine() } private def hasTag(String marker) { return block.contains("// {" + marker + "}") } def extractOutputLine() { if (!block.contains("/* Output:")) { return null } else { return "/* Output:" } } private def extract(String marker) { // Assume some whitespace is after marker if(!block.contains("// {${marker} ")) return null def matcher = (block =~ /\/\/ \{${marker}\s+([^}]+)/) if (matcher) { def matched = matcher[0][1].trim() return matched.replaceAll("\n?//", "") } else { println "Searching for: " + matcher println block System.exit(1) } } public boolean hasTags() { return compileTimeError || throwsException || errorOutputExpected || validateByHand || ignoreOutput || javaCmd || args || jVMArgs || javap || runFirst } public String toString() { String result = "" block.eachLine{ ln -> if(ln.startsWith("//") || ln.startsWith("package ")) result += ln + "\n" } """ hasMainMethod compileTimeError throwsException errorOutputExpected validateByHand ignoreOutput fileRoot mainClass javaCmd args jVMArgs javap runFirst """.split().each { str -> if(this[str]) result += str + ": " + this[str] + "\n" } result } } subprojects { apply plugin: 'java' sourceCompatibility = '1.8' targetCompatibility = '1.8' repositories { mavenLocal() mavenCentral() } sourceSets { main { java { srcDir projectDir } } } List createdTasks = [] projectDir.eachFileRecurse { file -> if ('.java')) { Tags tags = new Tags(file) if(debug && tags.hasTags()) println tags // Exclude java sources that will not compile if (tags.compileTimeError) { } else { JavaExec javaTask = null // Add tasks for java sources with main methods if (tags.hasMainMethod || tags.javaCmd) { javaTask = tasks.create(name: tags.fileRoot, type: JavaExec, dependsOn: tags.runFirst) { main = tags.mainClass classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath args = tags.args jvmArgs = tags.jVMArgs } } else if (tags.javap) { // Create task for running javap javaTask = tasks.create(name: "${tags.fileRoot}", type: JavaExec, dependsOn: tags.runFirst) { main = "" classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath + files(Jvm.current().toolsJar) // Assuming javap represents all the args and there's no need to jVMArgs args tags.javap.split() } } if (javaTask) { def baseName =,'.')) File outFile = new File(file.parentFile, baseName + '.out') File errFile = new File(file.parentFile, baseName + '.err') javaTask.configure { ignoreExitValue = tags.validateByHand || tags.throwsException doFirst { if(outFile.exists()) outFile.delete() if(tags.outputLine) outFile << tags.outputLine + "\n" standardOutput = new TeeOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(outFile, true), System.out) errorOutput = new TeeOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(errFile), System.err) } doLast { if(outFile.size() == 0) outFile.delete() else if(!outFile.text.contains("/* Output:")) outFile.delete() if(errFile.size() == 0) errFile.delete() } } if (!tags.validateByHand) { // Only add tasks that we know we can run successfully to the task list createdTasks.add(javaTask) } } } } } task run(dependsOn: createdTasks) } configure(subprojects - project(':onjava')) { dependencies { compile project(':onjava') } } task verify(type:Exec) { println("execute 'gradlew run' first") commandLine 'python', '' }