// exceptions/Rethrowing.java // Demonstrating fillInStackTrace() public class Rethrowing { public static void f() throws Exception { System.out.println("originating the exception in f()"); throw new Exception("thrown from f()"); } public static void g() throws Exception { try { f(); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Inside g(), e.printStackTrace()"); e.printStackTrace(System.out); throw e; } } public static void h() throws Exception { try { f(); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Inside h(), e.printStackTrace()"); e.printStackTrace(System.out); throw (Exception)e.fillInStackTrace(); } } public static void main(String[] args) { try { g(); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("main: printStackTrace()"); e.printStackTrace(System.out); } try { h(); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("main: printStackTrace()"); e.printStackTrace(System.out); } } } /* Output: originating the exception in f() Inside g(), e.printStackTrace() java.lang.Exception: thrown from f() at Rethrowing.f(Rethrowing.java:7) at Rethrowing.g(Rethrowing.java:11) at Rethrowing.main(Rethrowing.java:29) main: printStackTrace() java.lang.Exception: thrown from f() at Rethrowing.f(Rethrowing.java:7) at Rethrowing.g(Rethrowing.java:11) at Rethrowing.main(Rethrowing.java:29) originating the exception in f() Inside h(), e.printStackTrace() java.lang.Exception: thrown from f() at Rethrowing.f(Rethrowing.java:7) at Rethrowing.h(Rethrowing.java:20) at Rethrowing.main(Rethrowing.java:35) main: printStackTrace() java.lang.Exception: thrown from f() at Rethrowing.h(Rethrowing.java:24) at Rethrowing.main(Rethrowing.java:35) */