// patterns/visitor/BeeAndFlowers.java // Demonstration of "visitor" pattern. package patterns.visitor; import java.util.*; import java.util.function.*; import java.util.stream.*; interface Visitor { void visit(Gladiolus g); void visit(Renuculus r); void visit(Chrysanthemum c); } // The Flower hierarchy cannot be changed: interface Flower { void accept(Visitor v); } class Gladiolus implements Flower { @Override public void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this);} } class Renuculus implements Flower { @Override public void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this);} } class Chrysanthemum implements Flower { @Override public void accept(Visitor v) { v.visit(this);} } // Add the ability to produce a String: class StringVal implements Visitor { String s; @Override public String toString() { return s; } @Override public void visit(Gladiolus g) { s = "Gladiolus"; } @Override public void visit(Renuculus r) { s = "Renuculus"; } @Override public void visit(Chrysanthemum c) { s = "Chrysanthemum"; } } // Add the ability to do "Bee" activities: class Bee implements Visitor { @Override public void visit(Gladiolus g) { System.out.println("Bee and Gladiolus"); } @Override public void visit(Renuculus r) { System.out.println("Bee and Renuculus"); } @Override public void visit(Chrysanthemum c) { System.out.println("Bee and Chrysanthemum"); } } class FlowerFactory { static List> flowers = Arrays.asList(Gladiolus::new, Renuculus::new, Chrysanthemum::new); final static int sz = flowers.size(); private static Random rand = new Random(47); public static Flower newFlower() { return flowers.get(rand.nextInt(sz)).get(); } } public class BeeAndFlowers { public static void main(String args[]) { List flowers = Stream.generate(FlowerFactory::newFlower) .limit(10) .collect(Collectors.toList()); StringVal sval = new StringVal(); flowers.forEach(f -> { f.accept(sval); System.out.println(sval); }); // Perform "Bee" operation on all Flowers: Bee bee = new Bee(); flowers.forEach(f -> f.accept(bee)); } } /* Output: Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum Renuculus Chrysanthemum Renuculus Chrysanthemum Renuculus Chrysanthemum Gladiolus Renuculus Bee and Chrysanthemum Bee and Chrysanthemum Bee and Renuculus Bee and Chrysanthemum Bee and Renuculus Bee and Chrysanthemum Bee and Renuculus Bee and Chrysanthemum Bee and Gladiolus Bee and Renuculus */