#! py -3
TODO: Make sure there's a newline at the end of the extracted files
Extract code examples from TIJ4 Refreshed. Extracts from plain text file.
Creates Ant build.xml file for each subdirectory.
from pathlib import Path
import sys, os
import re
import argparse
import shutil
import pprint
import difflib
from sortedcontainers import SortedSet
destination = Path('.') / "ExtractedExamples"
sourceText = Path('.') / "TIJDirectorsCut.txt"
github = Path(r'C:\Users\Bruce\Documents\GitHub\TIJ-Directors-Cut')
startBuild = """\
endBuild = """\
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-e", "--extract", action='store_true',
help="Extract examples from TIJDirectorsCut.txt")
parser.add_argument("-x", "--clean", action='store_true',
help="Remove ExtractedExamples directory")
parser.add_argument("-c", "--compare", action='store_true',
help="Compare files from Github repository to extracted examples")
parser.add_argument("-a", "--ant", action='store_true',
help="Copy ant build files from Github repository to extracted examples")
parser.add_argument("-m", "--makeant", action='store_true',
help="Make ant files that don't exist")
parser.add_argument("-f", "--find", action='store_true',
help="Find non-java files in TIJDirectorsCut.txt")
def extractExamples():
if not destination.exists():
if not sourceText.exists():
print("Cannot find", sourceText)
with sourceText.open("rb") as book:
text = book.read().decode("utf-8", "ignore")
for listing in (re.findall("^//:.*?///:~", text, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) +
re.findall("^#:.*?#:~", text, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)):
title = listing.splitlines()[0]
if "//: as a special marker" in title:
title = title.split()[1]
target = destination / Path(title)
if not target.parent.exists():
if "//:!" in listing:
listing = "".join(listing.splitlines(keepends=True)[1:-1])
with target.open("w", newline='') as codeListing:
def clean():
if destination.exists():
def compareWithGithub(shortForm=True):
leader = len(str(github)) + 1
githubfiles = [str(file)[leader:] for file in github.glob("**/*")]
githubfiles = [ghf for ghf in githubfiles if not ghf.startswith(".git")]
duplicates = { ghf for ghf in githubfiles if githubfiles.count(ghf) > 1 }
if duplicates:
print("duplicates = ", duplicates)
leader2 = len(str(destination)) + 1
destfiles = [str(file)[leader2:] for file in destination.glob("**/*")]
duplicates = { ghf for ghf in destfiles if destfiles.count(ghf) > 1 }
if duplicates:
print("duplicates = ", duplicates)
githubfiles = SortedSet(githubfiles)
destfiles = SortedSet(destfiles)
# print("in githubfiles but not destfiles:")
# for f in [f for f in githubfiles.difference(destfiles) if not f.endswith(".py") if not f.endswith(".xml")]:
# print("\t", f)
# print("#" * 80)
# print("in destfiles but not githubfiles:")
# for f in [f for f in destfiles.difference(githubfiles) if f.endswith(".java")]:
# # if not f.endswith(".class")
# # if not f.endswith(".xml")
# # if not f.endswith(".dat")
# # if not f.endswith(".txt")
# # if not f.endswith(".zip")
# # if not f.endswith(".out")
# # if not f.endswith(".file")
# # if not f.endswith(".gz")
# # ]:
# print("\t", f)
# print("in destfiles and in githubfiles:")
runOutput = re.compile("/\* Output:.*///:~", re.DOTALL)
differ = difflib.Differ()
def rstrip(lines):
return [line.rstrip() for line in lines]
def show(lines, sep="#"):
print("\n" + sep * 80)
inBoth = [f for f in destfiles.intersection(githubfiles) if f.endswith(".java")]
for f in inBoth:
with (github / f).open() as ghf:
with (destination / f).open() as dstf:
ghblock = runOutput.sub("", ghf.read())
dstblock = runOutput.sub("", dstf.read())
if ghblock.strip() == dstblock.strip():
ghtext = ghblock.splitlines(keepends=True)
#show(ghtext, sep="#")
dsttext = dstblock.splitlines(keepends=True)
#show(dsttext, sep="-")
print("[[[", f, "]]]")
if shortForm:
show([ln + "\n" for ln in difflib.context_diff(rstrip(ghtext), rstrip(dsttext))], sep="=")
show([ln + "\n" for ln in differ.compare(rstrip(ghtext), rstrip(dsttext))], sep="=")
def githubDirs():
leader = len(str(github)) + 1
buildfiles = [str(file)[leader:] for file in github.glob("**/build.xml")]
return {str((github / f).parent)[leader:] for f in buildfiles}
def destDirs(pattern="**"):
leader = len(str(destination)) + 1
return {str(file)[leader:] for file in destination.glob(pattern)}
def copySupplementalFilesFromGithub():
for common in githubDirs().intersection(destDirs()):
print("->", common)
build = github / common / "build.xml"
target = destination / common
shutil.copy(str(build), str(target))
shutil.copy(str(github / "Ant-Common.xml"), str(destination))
for face in (github / "gui").glob("*.gif"):
shutil.copy(str(face), str(destination / "gui"))
for verifier in ["OutputGenerator.py", "OutputVerifier.py"]:
shutil.copy(str(github/verifier), str(destination))
patterns = destination / "patterns"
trash = patterns / "recycleap" / "Trash.dat"
shutil.copy(str(trash), str(patterns / "recycleb"))
shutil.copy(str(trash), str(patterns / "dynatrash"))
class CodeFileOptions(object):
"""docstring for CodeFileOptions"""
def __init__(self, codeFile):
"Should probably use regular expressions for parsing instead"
self.codeFile = codeFile
self.msg = ""
self.cmdargs = None
if "{Args:" in self.codeFile.code:
for line in self.codeFile.lines:
if "{Args:" in line:
self.cmdargs = line.split("{Args:")[1].strip()
self.cmdargs = self.cmdargs.rsplit("}", 1)[0]
self.runbyhand = "{RunByHand}" in self.codeFile.code
self.exclude = None
if "{CompileTimeError}" in self.codeFile.code:
self.exclude = self.codeFile.name + ".java"
if self.codeFile.subdirs:
self.exclude = '/'.join(self.codeFile.subdirs) + '/' + self.exclude
self.continue_on_error = None
if "{ThrowsException}" in self.codeFile.code:
self.continue_on_error = True
self.msg = "* Exception was Expected *"
self.alternatemainclass = None
if "{main: " in self.codeFile.code:
for line in self.codeFile.lines:
if "{main:" in line:
self.alternatemainclass = line.split("{main:")[1].strip()
self.alternatemainclass = self.alternatemainclass.rsplit("}", 1)[0]
self.timeout = None
if "{TimeOut:" in self.codeFile.code:
for line in self.codeFile.lines:
if "{TimeOut:" in line:
self.timeout = line.split("{TimeOut:")[1].strip()
self.timeout = self.timeout.rsplit("}", 1)[0]
self.continue_on_error = True
elif "//: gui/" in self.codeFile.code or "//: swt/" in self.codeFile.code or "{TimeOutDuringTesting}" in self.codeFile.code:
self.timeout = "4000"
self.continue_on_error = True
self.msg = "* Timeout for Testing *"
def classFile(self):
start = """ \n"
class CodeFile:
def __init__(self, javaFile, chapterDir):
self.chapter_dir = chapterDir
self.java_file = javaFile
self.subdirs = str(javaFile.parent).split("\\")[2:]
with javaFile.open() as j:
self.code = j.read()
self.lines = self.code.splitlines()
self.main = None
if "public static void main" in self.code:
self.main = True
self.package = None
if "package " in self.code:
for line in self.lines:
if line.startswith("package ") and line.strip().endswith(";"):
self.package = line
self.tagLine = self.lines[0][4:]
self.relpath = '../' + '/'.join(self.tagLine.split('/')[:-1])
self.name = javaFile.name.split('.')[0]
self.options = CodeFileOptions(self)
def run_command(self):
if not self.main:
return ""
return self.options.createRunCommand()
def __repr__(self):
result = self.tagLine
if self.package:
result += "\n" + self.package
result += "\n"
return result
def packageName(self):
return self.package.split()[1][:-1]
def checkPackage(self):
if not self.package:
return True
path = '.'.join(self.tagLine.split('/')[:-1])
packagePath = self.packageName()
return path == packagePath
class Chapter:
def __init__(self, dir):
self.dir = dir
self.code_files = [CodeFile(javaFile, dir) for javaFile in dir.glob("**/*.java")]
self.excludes = [cf.options.exclude for cf in self.code_files if cf.options.exclude]
def __repr__(self):
result = "-" * 80
result += "\n" + str(self.dir) + "\n"
result += "-" * 80
result += "\n"
for cf in self.code_files:
result += str(cf.name) + "\n"
return result
def checkPackages(self):
for cf in self.code_files:
if not cf.checkPackage():
print("BAD PACKAGE")
print("\t", cf.tagLine)
print("\t", cf.package)
def makeBuildFile(self):
buildFile = startBuild % (self.dir.name, " ".join(self.excludes))
for cf in self.code_files:
if any([cf.name + ".java" in f for f in self.excludes]) or cf.options.runbyhand:
buildFile += cf.run_command()
buildFile += endBuild
with (self.dir / "build.xml").open("w") as buildxml:
def createAntFiles():
chapters = [Chapter(fd) for fd in destination.glob("*") if fd.is_dir() if not (fd / "build.xml").exists()]
for chapter in chapters:
def findNonJavaFiles():
if not sourceText.exists():
print("Cannot find", sourceText)
with sourceText.open("rb") as book:
text = book.read().decode("utf-8", "ignore")
for listing in re.findall("^//:.*?///:~", text, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE):
title = listing.splitlines()[0].strip()
if not title.endswith(".java"):
def default():
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = parser.parse_args()
if not any(vars(args).values()): default()
if args.extract:
if args.compare:
if args.ant:
if args.makeant:
if args.find:
if args.clean: