// typeinfo/PetCount.java // (c)2016 MindView LLC: see Copyright.txt // We make no guarantees that this code is fit for any purpose. // Visit http://mindviewinc.com/Books/OnJava/ for more book information. // Using instanceof import typeinfo.pets.*; import java.util.*; public class PetCount { static class Counter extends HashMap { public void count(String type) { Integer quantity = get(type); if(quantity == null) put(type, 1); else put(type, quantity + 1); } } public static void countPets(PetCreator creator) { Counter counter = new Counter(); for(Pet pet : Pets.array(20)) { // List each individual pet: System.out.print( pet.getClass().getSimpleName() + " "); if(pet instanceof Pet) counter.count("Pet"); if(pet instanceof Dog) counter.count("Dog"); if(pet instanceof Mutt) counter.count("Mutt"); if(pet instanceof Pug) counter.count("Pug"); if(pet instanceof Cat) counter.count("Cat"); if(pet instanceof EgyptianMau) counter.count("EgyptianMau"); if(pet instanceof Manx) counter.count("Manx"); if(pet instanceof Cymric) counter.count("Cymric"); if(pet instanceof Rodent) counter.count("Rodent"); if(pet instanceof Rat) counter.count("Rat"); if(pet instanceof Mouse) counter.count("Mouse"); if(pet instanceof Hamster) counter.count("Hamster"); } // Show the counts: System.out.println(); System.out.println(counter); } public static void main(String[] args) { countPets(new ForNameCreator()); } } /* Output: Rat Manx Cymric Mutt Pug Cymric Pug Manx Cymric Rat EgyptianMau Hamster EgyptianMau Mutt Mutt Cymric Mouse Pug Mouse Cymric {EgyptianMau=2, Pug=3, Rat=2, Cymric=5, Mouse=2, Cat=9, Manx=7, Rodent=5, Mutt=3, Dog=6, Pet=20, Hamster=1} */