77 lines
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77 lines
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// patterns/dynatrash/DynaTrash.java
// ©2015 MindView LLC: see Copyright.txt
// Using a Map of Lists and RTTI
// to automatically sort trash into
// vectors. This solution, despite the
// use of RTTI, is extensible.
package patterns.dynatrash;
import patterns.trash.*;
import java.util.*;
// Generic TypeMap works in any situation:
class TypeMap<T> {
private Map<Class,List<T>> t = new HashMap<>();
public void add(T o) {
Class type = o.getClass();
else {
List<T> v = new ArrayList<>();
public List<T> get(Class type) {
return t.get(type);
public Iterator<Class> keys() {
return t.keySet().iterator();
// Adapter class to allow
// callbacks from ParseTrash.fillBin():
class TypeMapAdapter implements Fillable {
TypeMap<Trash> map;
public TypeMapAdapter(TypeMap<Trash> tm) {
map = tm;
public void addTrash(Trash t) { map.add(t); }
public class DynaTrash {
public static void main(String[] args) {
TypeMap<Trash> bin = new TypeMap<>();
new TypeMapAdapter(bin));
Iterator<Class> keys = bin.keys();
/* Output: (First and last 10 Lines)
Loading patterns.trash.Glass
Loading patterns.trash.Paper
Loading patterns.trash.Aluminum
Loading patterns.trash.Cardboard
weight of patterns.trash.Glass = 54.0
weight of patterns.trash.Glass = 17.0
weight of patterns.trash.Glass = 11.0
weight of patterns.trash.Glass = 68.0
weight of patterns.trash.Glass = 43.0
weight of patterns.trash.Glass = 63.0
weight of patterns.trash.Aluminum = 93.0
weight of patterns.trash.Aluminum = 36.0
Total value = 860.0499778985977
weight of patterns.trash.Paper = 22.0
weight of patterns.trash.Paper = 11.0
weight of patterns.trash.Paper = 88.0
weight of patterns.trash.Paper = 91.0
weight of patterns.trash.Paper = 80.0
weight of patterns.trash.Paper = 66.0
Total value = 35.80000053346157