2015-12-16 22:51:48 -08:00

90 lines
3.3 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<project default="run">
<property name="chapter" value="collectionsindepth"/>
<property name="excludedfiles" value=""/>
<import file="../Ant-Common.xml"/>
<import file="../Ant-Clean.xml"/>
<target name="run" description="Compile and run" depends="build">
<jrun cls="AssociativeArray" />
<jrun cls="Bits" />
<jrun cls="CanonicalMapping" />
<jrun cls="CollectionDataGeneration" />
<jrun cls="CollectionDataTest" />
<jrun cls="CollectionMethods" />
<jrun cls="CountedString" />
<jrun cls="DequeTest" />
<jrun cls="Enumerations" />
<jrun cls="FailFast" />
<jrun cls="FillingLists" />
<jrun cls="IndividualTest" />
<jrun cls="LinkedHashMapDemo" />
<jrun cls="ListPerformance" arguments="100 500" />
<jrun cls="Lists" />
<jrun cls="ListSortSearch" />
<jrun cls="MapDataTest" />
<jrun cls="MapPerformance" arguments="100 5000" />
<jrun cls="Maps" />
<jrun cls="QueueBehavior" />
<jrun cls="RandomBounds" arguments="lower" failOnError='false' timeOut='4000' msg='* Timeout for Testing *' />
<jrun cls="ReadOnly" />
<jrun cls="References" />
<jrun cls="SetPerformance" arguments="100 5000" />
<jrun cls="SimpleHashMap" />
<jrun cls="SlowMap" />
<jrun cls="SortedMapDemo" />
<jrun cls="SortedSetDemo" />
<jrun cls="SpringDetector" />
<jrun cls="SpringDetector2" />
<jrun cls="Stacks" />
<jrun cls="StringHashCode" />
<jrun cls="Synchronization" />
<jrun cls="ToDoList" />
<jrun cls="TypesForSets" />
<jrun cls="Unsupported" />
<jrun cls="Utilities" />
<target name="runconsole" description="Compile and run" depends="build">
<jrunconsole cls="AssociativeArray" />
<jrunconsole cls="Bits" />
<jrunconsole cls="CanonicalMapping" />
<jrunconsole cls="CollectionDataGeneration" />
<jrunconsole cls="CollectionDataTest" />
<jrunconsole cls="CollectionMethods" />
<jrunconsole cls="CountedString" />
<jrunconsole cls="DequeTest" />
<jrunconsole cls="Enumerations" />
<jrunconsole cls="FailFast" />
<jrunconsole cls="FillingLists" />
<jrunconsole cls="IndividualTest" />
<jrunconsole cls="LinkedHashMapDemo" />
<jrunconsole cls="ListPerformance" arguments="100 500" />
<jrunconsole cls="Lists" />
<jrunconsole cls="ListSortSearch" />
<jrunconsole cls="MapDataTest" />
<jrunconsole cls="MapPerformance" arguments="100 5000" />
<jrunconsole cls="Maps" />
<jrunconsole cls="QueueBehavior" />
<jrunconsole cls="RandomBounds" arguments="lower" failOnError='false' timeOut='4000' msg='* Timeout for Testing *' />
<jrunconsole cls="ReadOnly" />
<jrunconsole cls="References" />
<jrunconsole cls="SetPerformance" arguments="100 5000" />
<jrunconsole cls="SimpleHashMap" />
<jrunconsole cls="SlowMap" />
<jrunconsole cls="SortedMapDemo" />
<jrunconsole cls="SortedSetDemo" />
<jrunconsole cls="SpringDetector" />
<jrunconsole cls="SpringDetector2" />
<jrunconsole cls="Stacks" />
<jrunconsole cls="StringHashCode" />
<jrunconsole cls="Synchronization" />
<jrunconsole cls="ToDoList" />
<jrunconsole cls="TypesForSets" />
<jrunconsole cls="Unsupported" />
<jrunconsole cls="Utilities" />