2017-05-04 10:09:51 -06:00

190 lines
6.5 KiB

#! py -3
# Requires Python 3.5
# Validates output from executable Java programs in "On Java 8."
# Use chain of responsibility to successively try strategies until one matches
Intended to be copied into the ExtractedExamples directory,
thus it doesn't use config.py
from pathlib import Path
import textwrap
import re
import sys
import os
import textwrap
from collections import defaultdict
WIDTH = 59 # Max line width
#################### Phase 1: Basic formatting #####################
def adjust_lines(text):
text = text.replace("\0", "NUL")
lines = text.splitlines()
slug = lines[0]
if "(First and Last " in slug:
num_of_lines = int(slug.split()[5])
adjusted = lines[:num_of_lines + 1] +\
["...________...________...________...________..."] +\
return "\n".join(adjusted)
elif "(First " in slug:
num_of_lines = int(slug.split()[3])
adjusted = lines[:num_of_lines + 1] +\
[" ..."]
return "\n".join(adjusted)
return text
def fill_to_width(text):
result = ""
for line in text.splitlines():
result += textwrap.fill(line, width = WIDTH) + "\n"
return result.strip()
def phase1():
(0) Do first/last lines before formatting to width
(1) Combine output and error (if present) files
(2) Format all output to width limit
(3) Add closing '*/'
for outfile in Path(".").rglob("*.out"):
out_text = adjust_lines(outfile.read_text())
phase_1 = outfile.with_suffix(".p1")
with phase_1.open('w') as phs1:
phs1.write(fill_to_width(out_text) + "\n")
errfile = outfile.with_suffix(".err")
if errfile.exists():
phs1.write("___[ Error Output ]___\n")
phs1.write(fill_to_width(errfile.read_text()) + "\n")
########### Chain of Responsibility Match Finder #######################
def exact_match(text): return text
memlocation = re.compile("@[0-9a-z]{5,7}")
def ignore_memory_addresses(text):
return memlocation.sub("", text)
datestamp1 = re.compile(
"(?:[MTWFS][a-z]{2} ){0,1}[JFMASOND][a-z]{2} \d{1,2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} [A-Z]{3} \d{4}")
datestamp2 = re.compile(
"[JFMASOND][a-z]{2} \d{1,2}, \d{4} \d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2} (:?AM|PM)")
def ignore_dates(text):
for pat in [ datestamp1, datestamp2 ]:
text = pat.sub("", text)
return text
def ignore_digits(input_text):
return re.sub("-?\d", "", input_text)
def sort_lines(input_text):
return "\n".join(sorted(input_text.splitlines())).strip()
def sort_words(input_text):
return "\n".join(sorted(input_text.split())).strip()
def unique_lines(input_text):
return "\n".join(sorted(list(set(input_text.splitlines()))))
# Fairly extreme but will still reveal significant changes
def unique_words(input_text):
return "\n".join(sorted(set(input_text.split())))
# Fairly extreme but will still reveal significant changes
word_only = re.compile("[A-Za-z]+")
def words_only(input_text):
return "\n".join(
sorted([w for w in input_text.split()
if word_only.fullmatch(w)]))
def no_match(input_text): return True
# Chain of responsibility:
strategies = [
# Filter # Retain result
# for rest of chain
(exact_match, False),
(ignore_dates, True),
(ignore_memory_addresses, True),
(sort_lines, False),
(ignore_digits, False),
(sort_words, False),
(unique_lines, False),
(unique_words, False),
(words_only, False),
(no_match, False),
class Validator(defaultdict): # Map of lists
compare_output = Path(".") / "compare_output.bat"
def __init__(self):
if Validator.compare_output.exists():
for strategy, retain in strategies:
strat_batch = Path(strategy.__name__ + ".bat")
if strat_batch.exists():
def find_output_match(self, javafile, embedded_output, generated_output):
for strategy, retain in strategies:
filtered_embedded_output = strategy(embedded_output)
filtered_generated_output = strategy(generated_output)
if filtered_embedded_output == filtered_generated_output:
strat_name = strategy.__name__
if strat_name is "exact_match": return
tfile = javafile.with_suffix("." + strat_name)
with Path(strat_name + ".bat").open('a') as strat_batch:
strat_batch.write("subl " + str(tfile) + "\n")
with Validator.compare_output.open('a') as batch:
batch.write("subl " + str(tfile) + "\n")
with tfile.open('w') as trace_file:
trace_file.write(javafile.read_text() + "\n\n")
trace_file.write("// === Actual ===\n\n")
if retain:
embedded_output = filtered_embedded_output
generated_output = filtered_generated_output
def display_results(self):
log = open("verified_output.txt", 'w')
for strategy, retain in strategies:
key = strategy.__name__
if key is "exact_match":
for java in self[key]:
elif key in self:
log.write("\n" + (" " + key + " ").center(45, "=") + "\n")
for java in self[key]:
log.write(java + "\n")
if __name__ == '__main__':
phase1() # Generates '.p1' files
find_output = re.compile(r"/\* (Output:.*)\*/", re.DOTALL)
validator = Validator()
for outfile in Path(".").rglob("*.p1"):
javafile = outfile.with_suffix(".java")
if not javafile.exists():
print(str(outfile) + " has no javafile")
javatext = javafile.read_text()
if "/* Output:" not in javatext:
print(str(outfile) + " has no /* Output:")
os.system("more verified_output.txt")