304 lines
9.1 KiB
304 lines
9.1 KiB
#! py -3
Extract code examples from TIJ4 Refreshed. Extracts from plain text file
from pathlib import Path
import sys, os
import re
import argparse
import shutil
import pprint
destination = Path('.') / "ExtractedExamples"
sourceText = Path('.') / "TIJDirectorsCut.txt"
github = Path(r'C:\Users\Bruce\Documents\GitHub\TIJ-Directors-Cut')
startBuild = """\
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<project default="run">
<property name="chapter" value="%s"/>
<property name="excludedfiles" value="%s"/>
<import file="../Ant-Common.xml"/>
<target name="run" description="Compile and run" depends="build">
<touch file="failures"/>
endBuild = """\
<delete file="failures"/>
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-e", "--extract", action='store_true',
help="Extract examples from TIJDirectorsCut.txt")
parser.add_argument("-x", "--clean", action='store_true',
help="Remove ExtractedExamples directory")
parser.add_argument("-c", "--compare", action='store_true',
help="Compare files from Github repository to extracted examples")
parser.add_argument("-a", "--ant", action='store_true',
help="Copy ant build files from Github repository to extracted examples")
parser.add_argument("-m", "--makeant", action='store_true',
help="Make ant files that don't exist")
def extractExamples():
if not destination.exists():
if not sourceText.exists():
print("Cannot find", sourceText)
with sourceText.open("rb") as book:
text = book.read().decode("utf-8", "ignore")
for listing in re.findall("^//:.*?///:~", text, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE):
title = listing.splitlines()[0]
if "//: as a special marker" in title:
title = title.split()[1]
target = destination / Path(title)
if not target.parent.exists():
with target.open("w", newline='') as codeListing:
def clean():
if destination.exists():
def compareWithGithub():
leader = len(str(github)) + 1
githubfiles = [str(file)[leader:] for file in github.glob("**/*")]
githubfiles = [ghf for ghf in githubfiles if not ghf.startswith(".git")]
duplicates = { ghf for ghf in githubfiles if githubfiles.count(ghf) > 1 }
if duplicates:
print("duplicates = ", duplicates)
leader2 = len(str(destination)) + 1
destfiles = [str(file)[leader2:] for file in destination.glob("**/*")]
duplicates = { ghf for ghf in destfiles if destfiles.count(ghf) > 1 }
if duplicates:
print("duplicates = ", duplicates)
githubfiles = set(githubfiles)
destfiles = set(destfiles)
print("in githubfiles but not destfiles:")
for f in githubfiles.difference(destfiles):
print("\t", f)
print("#" * 80)
print("in destfiles but not githubfiles:")
for f in destfiles.difference(githubfiles):
print("\t", f)
def githubDirs():
leader = len(str(github)) + 1
buildfiles = [str(file)[leader:] for file in github.glob("**/build.xml")]
return {str((github / f).parent)[leader:] for f in buildfiles}
def destDirs(pattern="**"):
leader = len(str(destination)) + 1
return {str(file)[leader:] for file in destination.glob(pattern)}
def copyAntBuildFiles():
for common in githubDirs().intersection(destDirs()):
print("->", common)
build = github / common / "build.xml"
target = destination / common
shutil.copy(str(build), str(target))
shutil.copy(str(github / "Ant-Common.xml"), str(destination))
class CodeFileOptions(object):
"""docstring for CodeFileOptions"""
def __init__(self, codeFile):
"Should probably use regular expressions for parsing instead"
self.codeFile = codeFile
self.cmdargs = None
if "{Args:" in self.codeFile.code:
for line in self.codeFile.lines:
if "{Args:" in line:
self.cmdargs = line.split("{Args:")[1].strip()
self.cmdargs = self.cmdargs.rsplit("}", 1)[0]
self.runbyhand = "{RunByHand}" in self.codeFile.code
self.exclude = None
if "{CompileTimeError}" in self.codeFile.code:
self.exclude = self.codeFile.name + ".java"
if self.codeFile.subdirs:
self.exclude = '/'.join(self.codeFile.subdirs) + '/' + self.exclude
self.throwsexception = "{ThrowsException}" in self.codeFile.code
self.alternatemainclass = None
if "{main: " in self.codeFile.code:
for line in self.codeFile.lines:
if "{main:" in line:
self.alternatemainclass = line.split("{main:")[1].strip()
self.alternatemainclass = self.alternatemainclass.rsplit("}", 1)[0]
def classFile(self):
start = """ <jrun cls="%s" """
if self.alternatemainclass:
return start % self.alternatemainclass
if self.codeFile.package:
return start % (self.codeFile.packageName() + '.' + self.codeFile.name)
return start % self.codeFile.name
def dirPath(self):
if self.codeFile.package:
return """dirpath="%s" """ % self.codeFile.relpath
return ""
def arguments(self):
if self.cmdargs:
return """arguments='%s' """ % self.cmdargs
return ""
def failOnError(self):
if self.throwsexception:
return """failOnError='false' """
return ""
def createRunCommand(self):
return self.classFile() + self.dirPath() + self.arguments() + self.failOnError() + "/>\n"
class CodeFile:
def __init__(self, javaFile, chapterDir):
self.chapter_dir = chapterDir
self.java_file = javaFile
self.subdirs = str(javaFile.parent).split("\\")[2:]
with javaFile.open() as j:
self.code = j.read()
self.lines = self.code.splitlines()
self.main = None
if "public static void main" in self.code:
self.main = True
self.package = None
if "package " in self.code:
for line in self.lines:
if line.startswith("package ") and line.strip().endswith(";"):
self.package = line
self.tagLine = self.lines[0][4:]
self.relpath = '../' + '/'.join(self.tagLine.split('/')[:-1])
self.name = javaFile.name.split('.')[0]
self.options = CodeFileOptions(self)
def run_command(self):
if not self.main:
return ""
return self.options.createRunCommand()
def __repr__(self):
result = self.tagLine
if self.package:
result += "\n" + self.package
result += "\n"
return result
def packageName(self):
return self.package.split()[1][:-1]
def checkPackage(self):
if not self.package:
return True
path = '.'.join(self.tagLine.split('/')[:-1])
packagePath = self.packageName()
return path == packagePath
class Chapter:
def __init__(self, dir):
self.dir = dir
self.code_files = [CodeFile(javaFile, dir) for javaFile in dir.glob("**/*.java")]
self.excludes = [cf.options.exclude for cf in self.code_files if cf.options.exclude]
def __repr__(self):
result = "-" * 80
result += "\n" + str(self.dir) + "\n"
result += "-" * 80
result += "\n"
for cf in self.code_files:
result += str(cf.name) + "\n"
return result
def checkPackages(self):
for cf in self.code_files:
if not cf.checkPackage():
print("BAD PACKAGE")
print("\t", cf.tagLine)
print("\t", cf.package)
def makeBuildFile(self):
buildFile = startBuild % (self.dir.name, " ".join(self.excludes))
for cf in self.code_files:
if any([cf.name + ".java" in f for f in self.excludes]) or cf.options.runbyhand:
buildFile += cf.run_command()
buildFile += endBuild
with (self.dir / "build.xml").open("w") as buildxml:
def createAntFiles():
chapters = [Chapter(fd) for fd in destination.glob("*") if fd.is_dir() if not (fd / "build.xml").exists()]
for chapter in chapters:
def default():
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = parser.parse_args()
if not any(vars(args).values()): default()
if args.extract:
if args.compare:
if args.ant:
if args.makeant:
if args.clean: