2016-07-07 16:45:20 -06:00

185 lines
7.2 KiB

import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter
import org.python.core.*
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath group: 'org.python', name: 'jython-standalone', version: '2.7.1b2'
subprojects {
apply plugin: 'java'
sourceCompatibility = '1.8'
targetCompatibility = '1.8'
repositories {
sourceSets {
main {
java {
srcDir projectDir
List tasks = []
projectDir.eachFileRecurse {
if (it.name.endsWith('.java')) {
List lines = it.readLines()
Boolean hasMainMethod = lines.join('').contains('main(String[] args)')
Boolean hasMainParam = lines.find { it.startsWith('// {main: ')}
Boolean willNotCompile = lines.find { it.startsWith('// {CompileTimeError') }
Boolean validateByHand = lines.find { it.startsWith('// {ValidateByHand}') }
Boolean throwsException = lines.find { it.startsWith('// {ThrowsException}') }
// add tasks for java sources with main methods
if ((hasMainMethod || hasMainParam) && (!willNotCompile)) {
String maybeArgsLine = lines.find { it.startsWith('// {Args: ')}
List maybeArgs = []
if (maybeArgsLine != null) {
maybeArgs = maybeArgsLine.trim().replaceAll('\\/\\/ \\{Args: ', '').reverse().replaceFirst('}', '').reverse().split(' ')
String mainClass = it.name.replaceAll('.java', '')
String taskName = mainClass
if (!validateByHand) {
// only add tasks that we know we can run successfully to the task list
// some java sources with a main method specify a different main class
String maybeMainLine = lines.find { it.startsWith('// {main: ')}
if (maybeMainLine != null) {
mainClass = maybeMainLine.trim().replaceAll('\\/\\/ \\{main: ', '').replaceAll('}', '')
// some java sources with JVM args
List maybeJvmArgs = []
String maybeJvmArgsLine = lines.find { it.startsWith('// {JVMArgs: ')}
if (maybeJvmArgsLine != null) {
maybeJvmArgs = maybeJvmArgsLine.trim().replaceAll('\\/\\/ \\{JVMArgs: ', '').replaceAll('}', '').split(' ')
// some java sources depend on others to be run first
String maybeRunFirst = null
String maybeRunFirstLine = lines.find { it.startsWith('// {RunFirst: ')}
if (maybeRunFirstLine != null) {
maybeRunFirst = maybeRunFirstLine.trim().replaceAll('\\/\\/ \\{RunFirst: ', '').replaceAll('}', '')
// some java apps intentionally throw an exception
Boolean maybeIgnoreExitValue = (validateByHand || throwsException)
// some java apps need a timeout
Boolean timeOutDuringTesting = false
if (lines.find { it.startsWith('// {TimeOutDuringTesting}') } != null) {
timeOutDuringTesting = true
// create run and test tasks
if (timeOutDuringTesting) {
// todo: apps with timeOutDuringTesting need special handling
task "$taskName" << {
println "not implemented"
task "test$taskName" << {
println "not implemented"
else {
task "$taskName"(type: JavaExec, dependsOn: maybeRunFirst) {
main = mainClass
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
args = maybeArgs
jvmArgs = maybeJvmArgs
ignoreExitValue = maybeIgnoreExitValue
Integer expectedOutputStartLine = lines.findIndexOf { it.startsWith('/* Output:') }
Integer expectedOutputEndLine = -1
List expectedOutputLines = []
if (expectedOutputStartLine != -1) {
expectedOutputStartLine += 1
expectedOutputEndLine = lines.findIndexOf(expectedOutputStartLine, { it.startsWith('*/') })
if (expectedOutputEndLine == -1) {
expectedOutputEndLine = expectedOutputStartLine
expectedOutputLines = lines.subList(expectedOutputStartLine, expectedOutputEndLine)
OutputStream testStandardOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
OutputStream testErrorOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
task "test$taskName"(type: JavaExec, dependsOn: maybeRunFirst) {
main = mainClass
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
args = maybeArgs
jvmArgs = maybeJvmArgs
ignoreExitValue = maybeIgnoreExitValue
standardOutput = testStandardOutput
errorOutput = testErrorOutput
doLast {
// test the output here
def rstrip = { it.replaceAll('\\s$', '') }
def textwrap = { String text ->
if (text.length() > 0) {
PythonInterpreter interpreter = new PythonInterpreter()
interpreter.exec("from textwrap import fill")
PyFunction textwrapFill = (PyFunction) interpreter.get("fill")
PyObject result = textwrapFill.__call__(new PyString(text), new PyInteger(59))
return ((String) result.__tojava__(String.class)).readLines()
else {
return [""]
List testStandardOutputLines = testStandardOutput.toString().readLines().collect(rstrip).collectMany(textwrap)
assert expectedOutputLines.size() == testStandardOutputLines.size()
expectedOutputLines.eachWithIndex { expectedLine, i -> assert expectedLine == testStandardOutputLines.get(i) }
// exclude java sources that will not compile
if (willNotCompile) {
task run(dependsOn: tasks)
List testTasks = tasks.collect { "test" + it }
task test(overwrite:true, dependsOn: testTasks)
configure(subprojects - project(':onjava')) {
dependencies {
compile project(':onjava')